Welcome To
Centaur Equine Massage Training
Module I.
Module one introduces you to the concepts of equine massage therapy, providing you with a firm understanding of the horses physiological workings that influence and determine the intellectual study and practice of equine massage therapy
Equine Massage Therapy Studies.
- Introduction to equine massage therapy
- Physical benefits of equine massage therapy
- Emotional benefits of equine massage therapy
- The Three primary practices of equine massage therapy
- Equine massage therapy and the working disciplines
Equine Massage Therapy and Physiology
- The locomotary system and equine massage therapy
- Muscles and the nuro-muscular system
- Tendons, ligaments and equine massage therapy
- The skeletal system, joints and equine massage therapy
- The fittening and repair process and equine massage therapy
Equine Massage Therapy and The Horses Locomotion.
- Introduction to basic gait analysis
- Assessing the four primary gaits
- Assessing the jump
- Assessing general locomotion
- Relationship between locomotion and equine massage therapy
Equine Massage Therapy and The Horses Health
- When not to massage – Contraindications to equine massage therapy
- Good health and equine massage therapy
- Ill health and equine massage therapy
- Relationship between the horse health and equine massage therapy
Equine Massage Therapy and The Horse Conformation
- Why assess the horses conformation
- Assessing individual areas of equine conformation
Equine Massage Therapy and The Horses Tack
- Why assess the horses tack
- The saddle, numnah, girth and equine massage therapy
Equine Massage Therapy, Injuries and Ailments
- Combines module one of your studies with the relationship of commonly seen ailments, injuries and equine massage therapy
End Of Module One Written Exam
- A relaxed, multiple choice exam to complete your first module.
Module II.
Module two of your studies progresses into a more comprehensive study of equine massage therapy, introducing various massage applications and techniques.
Equine Massage Therapy Studies
- The primary Laws or equine massage therapy
- Your body posture and equine massage therapy
- Equine massage therapy applications
- Pressure applications and equine massage therapy
- Handling the horse and equine massage therapy
- The horses character type and equine massage therapy
- Equine muscular stress points
- Equine muscular trigger points
- Working disciplines and their major muscular stress points
Equine Massage Therapy and Physiology
- The cardiovascular system and equine massage therapy
- The lymphatic system and equine massage therapy
- The nervous system and equine massage therapy
- The respiratory system and equine massage therapy
Equine massage therapy and the horses tack
- The bridle, noseband and equine massage therapy
- The snaffle bit and equine massage therapy
Equine Massage Therapy and The Horses Locomotion
- The natural laws of equine locomotion
- Forelimb protraction, retraction and muscular stress
- Forelimb abduction, adduction and muscular stress
- Hindlmb protraction, retraction and muscular stress
- Hindlimb abduction, adduction and muscular stress
- Negative influences to head and neck carriage and muscular stress
- Negative influences to the ridden trot and muscular stress
- Negative influences to the ridden canter and muscular stress
- Negative influences to the lunged horse and muscular stress
Equine Massage Therapy, Injuries and Ailments
- Combines module one and two of your studies with the relationship of commonly seen ailments, injuries and equine massage therapy
End of Module Two Written Exam
- A relaxed multiple choice exam to complete you second module
Module III.
Module three progresses into the final stage of your studies providing a deeper understanding of the subject through the merger of subject materials from module one and two. Introduces specific massage techniques and routines as well as discussing the subject of your new career and an equine massage practitioner.
Equine Massage Therapy Studies
- Equine massage therapy techniques
- Equine massage therapy routines
- Warm up massage routine
- Cool down massage routine
- Maintenance massage routine
- Recuperation massage routine
- Equine massage therapy and stretching programmes
Equine Massage Therapy and Physiology
- The cardiovascular system and equine massage therapy
- The respiratory system and equine massage therapy
- The endocrine system and equine massage therapy
- The reproductive system and equine massage therapy
Equine Massage Therapy and The Horses Tack
- The curb bit and equine massage therapy
- The pelham bit and equine massage therapy
Equine Massage Therapy, Injuries and Ailments
- Combines module three of your studies with the relationship of commonly seen ailments, injuries and equine massage therapy
Your New Career As An Equine Massage Therapist
- All you need to know to begin and new, rewarding and exciting career
End Of Module Three Written Exam
- A relaxed multiple choice exam to complete your third module
Your Final Exam
- A two hour written paper on the subject matter included in the modular work and a practical exam assessing all learner outcomes. This final exam will take place at the training venue most convenient for the student.
-10 case studies to be submitted with DVD/photographic evidence of massage routines/applications applied.
Course Cost - £700 one off payment
We do offer an easy payment option making our course accessible to all. If this would be of interest to you please send us an email for further details.