
Now where do I start with Jess. She is the most special horse I know. I found Jess (known as Ginge at the time) 16 years ago advertised in the ad trader. I called the number and was told that someone was going to view her at 3pm. “I’ll be there at 1pm” I responded and off I went.
When I arrived I found a skinny, sad looking chestnut mare looking at me from a dark and dingy stable. Yep, she was most definitely coming home with me without a doubt.
Within a week Jess was with me on a lovely little yard where there were a handful of other horses. The first time I turned her out into the field she didn’t know whether to run or eat so she would canter a few strides, grab a mouthful of grass then canter off with it hanging out of her mouth.
Once I began riding her the ‘fun’ started, she was the most stubborn horse I had ever met (or so I thought). Had I taken on more than I could cope with? My first horse of my very own a 17hh TB x ID, ex hunter. For many years I thought I had but I wasn’t giving up. Jess was my horse, my responsibility and I loved her to pieces, even on our really bad days, of which there were many.
As time went on and our relationship developed we came to an understanding and that understanding was that Jess was in control. If she didn’t want to do something she wasn’t doing it. I was okay with that, after all if I don’t want to do something I won’t, so why should I force Jess to do something she doesn’t want. At this point our relationship blossomed and the bond between us got stronger and stronger.
Jess has thrown a lot at me over the years. She has had many illnesses. A couple of these were touch and go as to whether she would come out the other side but the thing Jess has in bucket loads is determination and in the most difficult times for her health this and copious amounts of love from the whole family is what pulled her through.
Now at the grand old age of 28 Jess is retired from ridden life and enjoying being out in her little herd. Jess features heavily in our holistic equine massage practitioner course, all students who choose to take part in our 1 to 1 hands on days will get to meet and treat Jess. Jess absolutely loves taking part in our days and gives the students such great feedback telling them which areas they are and aren’t allowed to treat (these vary day to day).
Jess is my inspiration when it comes to equine massage. It is down to her that I retrained after years as a nursery nurse. It is down to her that Centaur was formed. It is also down to her that I will constantly learn new things that will help her remain comfortable in her older years and that I will pass on to my tutors and the students of Centaur Equine Massage Training. To ensure that when students graduate from our course they are equipped with everything they need to bring them success.