Introducing Diamond

After being a part of Centaur Equine Massage Training for over 2 years, it is about time we told you a little bit about Diamond.
Diamond has had a very busy working life including hunting and eventing prior to coming to join us here at Centaur Equine Massage Training. Diamond needed to step down her work load after showing her previous owner that she wasn’t particularly enjoying it anymore.
Diamond came primarily to be Douglas’ companion after the loss of Jess in April 2020 and the 2 have sparked up quite a relationship, to the point that they now have some separation anxiety when they are apart.
Diamond has been suffering with problems we believe to have been caused by an old injury, as well as arthritic hocks. Now that we have her pain under control Diamond enjoys a lovely countryside hack at the weekends and occasionally does a small amount in the school. She is also now helping to teach my nieces to ride and is proving and absolute gem, looking after them but also making them think as she really isn’t a ‘riding school’ horse.
Diamond’s health challenges, as well as her conformation make her a great addition to our hands-on experience days. She gives our students lots to think about when it comes to how these things will affect her muscular structure.
Diamond is a great teacher, showing fab releases when and area of tension is treated, but also letting students know when she
isn’t happy teaching them that they must listen to the feedback that horses are giving during their treatments.